Cleaning for New Builds and Renovations
All properties are different but the requirements are the same. When an enquiry has been received we would usually arrange to visit the Property and see what’s needed to ensure all areas and questions are covered recording all areas involved. A team of at least 2 would be given the work but of course more if needed. A realistic plan will be put together using a checklist and agreed upon with a date for completion. We understand best-laid plans can change so always try to be as flexible as possible with dates.
Cleaning is done, mainly dust and debris, using vacuuming, mopping, microfiber cloths in all areas e.g. skirting boards, dado rails, walls, handles, windows and frames, is a detailed job which is why a thorough view of the property first helps.

On completion of an area we would ask the customer or representative to check and sign off the clean using the agreed checklist.
Any areas that may have been missed will be dealt with then to give assurance to the customer as the clean is being progressed. Finishing with the last area to complete the clean.